Forum Discussion

Chris_Phillips's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 16, 2006

Forward using hostname as node, not IP





I require the ability to create a forwarding server to forward traffic to a hostname rather than an IP address. A third party we are connecting to provides resilience to their systems by a DNS service, allowing them to provide a hostname rather than a string of potential IP addresses and such. Whilst I can add a node to the big-ip by using a hostname, the hostname is resolved to an IP at configuration time. Instead I require a DNS lookup to be performed on a regular basis when the virtual server is in active use. This does not seem possible within the 9.1.1 software, and would appreciate any information to the contrary, or potential workarounds if any are forthcoming.







15 Replies

  • For completeness.



    I've captured some data from this thread and from another thread, that are related, in the Codeshare available at:




    Also, the other article I speak of, listed below, talks about a small bug in the above code. See the post from "3/11/2006 7:21 PM".

  • you can make sure the changes survive an upgrade by adding whatever system files you change to the cs.dat file in /usr/libdata/configsync. After you've specified the files here (check first to make sure they aren't already included), they will be backed up when you do a bigpipe config save (and when you do a sync)



    Note that there is a problem with adding /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf to cs.dat if you are upgrading, search for the details.
  • Anthony_Gerace_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    This looks really interesting. What versions of LTM is this supported in?







