Forum Discussion

Kent_Perrier_50's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 30, 2009

GTM/LTM/VMware cloud migration demo

So, I have watched youtube video from below, and I thinking, "Wow! This looks cool!" It does leave me wondering, what do I need to make something like this happen in my environment. We have GTMs. We have LTMs. We use VMWare and Virtual Center/vSphere. How does one make this work? What software levels are required?



Great demo, but there is a disturbing lack of information on what is needed to make it happen with a real customer.

11 Replies

  • Charlie_Cano_10's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Yep - it's unfortunate that the term "Datacenter" in vCenter was picked (albeit a looong time ago, before this cloud stuff was around). The term in vCenter context is just a logical grouping of uniquely related inventory objects. A good analogy for a vCenter datacenter is the "organizational unit (OU) in Active Directory.



    I'm sure (although just a guess) we'll see a bit of a revision to inventory objects and relationships as virtualization management across geographies matures in future versions of vCenter.