Jun 25, 2019Cirrostratus
Health monitor with login check and content length
I found SOL : https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K1033?sr=58157087 It says: To create an HTTP 1.1 post, use the following syntax: POST /MyApp.cgi HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: host.domain.com\r\nConnect...
- Jun 25, 2019
Hello David.
It's just an example, POST request usually includes a payload message which could be required by the server. As far as I know, POST wo/payload is perfectly RFC compliant, so it depends of your backend server.
BTW, there is a mistake in the example:
"...Authorization: Basic ZjU6ZjVwYXNzd2Q=\r\n\r\n0123456789"