Forum Discussion

Spidey_27_16399's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 02, 2014

How to set the chase referrals value of an LDAP monitor in iControl API?

I wish to change the chase referral value of an LDAP monitor but cannot find the relevant API call to make from the list here:




Alternatively, I cannot find a property in the LocalLBMonitorStrPropertyType that would match up either. The valid inputs are "yes" and "no".


I would assume that it would be set using the string property type like STYPE_MANDATORY_ATTRS for mandatory attributes, for example. Other relevant LDAP string types are there like: STYPE_BASE, STYPE_FILTER, STYPE_DEBUG and STYPE_SECURITY but nothing for chase referrals.


I tried searching for information but nothing mentions this. Any ideas?


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