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Ottimo_Massimo1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 19, 2012

image2disk --nosaveconfig ... stupid question



I'm sure it's obvious, but before I possibly hose the LTM unit, could somebody let me know if the the image2disk --nosaveconfig argument removes the entire configuration - the contents of bigip.conf, bigip_base.conf, bigip_sys.conf, etc or just the contents of the bigip.conf file?


Thanks in advance!




16 Replies

  • Hi Nitass,


    i followed your advise by booting to the old image volume, deleting the hotfix volume, recreating it and installing the hotfix image in the volume using the tmsh install command. However the f5 still boots with it's configuration. Did i miss anything? i used the following syntax to install the hf image:


    (tmos) install sys software hotfix Hotfix-BIGIP-10.2.4-655.0-HF4.iso volume HD1.X reboot
  • However the f5 still boots with it's configuration. have you changed db key in sol below before installing?



    sol13438: Controlling configuration import when performing software installations (11.x)

  • sorry it should be this sol instead since you are in 10.x on hd1.1 when installing 11.x on hd1.2.



    sol11267: Controlling configuration import when performing software installations (10.x)

  • Thanks again Nitass. I've found that b import default does the job, but I'll play with the commands in that link to see if they offer more granularity.
  • there is also "load sys config default" in tmsh.



    sol13127: Restoring the BIG-IP configuration to factory default settings (11.x)

  • Handy, handy tmsh command (!!):



    load sys base-config