Forum Discussion

Peter_Baumann's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jun 21, 2018

Inband Monitor where is "Check until up" ?

Hi there I try to implement passive monitoring with a inband monitor, maybe in combination of an active http monitor.


For this I checked the v12.1.3 manual of inband monitoring here: Inband monitor settings


It says:


"If you specify a value of 0 (zero), once the inband monitor marks a pool member down, that pool member is not marked up without outside intervention, either by explicitly marking the pool member up, or by using by using the Check Until Up setting in any other monitor (except another Inband monitor) configured on the same pool member. (In this case, the other monitor is known as the active monitor, and the Inband monitor is known as the passive monitor."


So where is this "Check until up" setting? I cannot find it.


Does someone have an example of a combined active-passive monitoring config available?


Thanks, Peter


2 Replies

  • IIRC, the 'Check Until Up' setting was removed from active monitors back in v10, due to a TMM memory leak when an Inband monitor was paired with an active monitor.


  • Hi,


    I am not sure it's correct answer, but I think I saw somhere explanation that Up Interval should be configured for this to work. So Check until up = Up Interval enabled and configured with some value.


    Again I did not test it so no guarantee I am telling the truth :-)

