Forum Discussion

cjbarr1234's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 25, 2015

Index Cluster Device Fails



I've been experiencing issues with the OVA Template for Enterprise Manager syslogng virtual machines.


1) I have request logging enabled from my LTM that forwards syslog traffic to the index cluster I configured using Enterprise Manager.


2) I have 3 devices in the index cluster taking on syslog traffic from my LTM


My symptoms are that spontaneously they stop receiving syslog traffic. I am unable to query requests in Enterprise Manager.


To fix the issue I simply just restart the index cluster devices through VMware. This temporarily fixes the issue. Also going in and doing ifcfg down/up on the Traffic interface resolves the issue.


I am wondering if anyone has experienced this... It is happening on all three devices in the index cluster.