Forum Discussion

AlgebraicMirror's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
May 05, 2015

Is there any way in a traffic policy to match on IP address?

Is there any way in a local traffic policy to match on IP address? For example, being able to say, "If the source IP is such and such, do this", or "If the destination IP is such and such, do that?" ...
  • nitass_89166's avatar
    May 06, 2015

    Is there any way in a local traffic policy to match on IP address? For example, being able to say, "If the source IP is such and such, do this", or "If the destination IP is such and such, do that?"


    it is available in 11.6.0.


    ID409418 - CPM needs IP address/subnet matching


    in the meantime, is ASM::enable useful?

