Forum Discussion

Jeff_Knights_44's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 06, 2012

local HTTP auth looping? HELP!!!

I recently built a simple irule to do a local HTTP authentication from a datagroup which would block the public from seeing a beta website.


I have watched the logs and it says "User XXX has been authorized to access virtual server /Common/TEST_SERVER


so it seems the irule is working correctly but the website never comes up, the userid and password screen keep coming up as if in a loop. any suggestions?


here is the irule:





binary scan [ md5 [HTTP::password]] H* password



if { [class lookup "[HTTP::username]" datagroup_xxx] equals $password } {


log local0. "User [HTTP::username] has been authorized to access virtual server [virtual name]"


Insert iRule-based application code here if necessary



} else {



if { [string length [HTTP::password]] != 0 } {


log local0. "User [HTTP::username] has been denied access to virtual server "





HTTP::respond 401 WWW-Authenticate "Basic realm=\"local.loc\""







12 Replies

  • I cleared all caches



    I took the irule out of the VIP


    the website came up with no problem



    I put your irule back in, and its not saying blocked or anything, its just looping the userid and password again..



    so now I am back to square one.