Forum Discussion

hc_andy_35682's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 16, 2010

Monitoring current traffic per VIP

Hi All,



Is there a way to monitor the traffic/bandwidth utilization per VIP.



I'm using BIG -IP LTM 6900 version 10.0.1. From the GUI, I can access virtual server statistics but they don't show the current bits and packets but only give you a total count. They do however show you the current connection count but I'm more interested in knowing the bandwidth utilization of the VIP.



Screen shot attached.







21 Replies

  • Posted By Hamish on 03/29/2010 1:55 AM



    Is your cacti server overloaded? The polling on cacti isn't very intelligent, and breaks easily under load. If your poll times go much above 30 seconds then you're heading into territory that will result in dropouts (Manifested usually as missing data).



    BTW.. That looks like a lot of connections... I'd drop the idle connection timeout for udp/53 down to about 10 seconds... (Especially if they're not doing recursive queries, the first timeout for DNS is 5 seconds so even going down to 10 should ideally be too long to cause any problems).




    Thanks Hamish, that did the trick. I created a new fastL4 profile with a 10sec idle time out and applied that to the DNS virtual server the graphs are showing properly now.