Forum Discussion

rluyster's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 15, 2008

Prompting for passwords

I have set up a virtual server with only one server behind it. It is a simple HTTP connection, however when I try to access the application, I am prompted to enter my userid and password. When accessing the application directly on the server this is not the case. To make things even worse, I have now discovered that some users are not prompted when accessing via the F5 while others still are. No one is prompted when not passing thru the F5.

13 Replies

  • With the setup the way you describe you might try putting the site in question into the "LOCAL INTRANET" zone inside of IE (NOT the trusted sites list!!!) on the computers you are using to access the site with. We were having some issues and that solved our problem. Test that on a few computers and if it works then blast it out with a GPO setting or use a WMI script to append those entries.



    Example: If you the website you are accessing is called , put something like * into the local intranet zone list. Just for testing purposes, you can be more descriptive later if that solves the problem.
  • i have 2 vips now that i mirrored the configs.


    then i change one to remove the OneConnect


    the other i Added Cookie Persistency.



    what i saw was the 1 VIP i Added Persistency seems to be working better (i am not going to say "Fixed" yet)


    the strange thing is the 1 VIP i removed OneConnect from, the Round Robin has stopped and acks as it has Persistency on.


    not sure if that is relevant. i am ignoring that result for now.


  • If you remove OneConnect and disable a pool member do you ever get a password prompt? This scenario will eliminate persistence failures as one possible cause of a problem.


