Forum Discussion

Mike_Breeden_62's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 31, 2014

Create Single Virtual Server for 443

Is there a way to create a single virtual server that responds on port 443 but will also take port 80 requests and redirect them to 443 without the need for a virtual server that is on port 80 that is set with an iRule or Policy that redirects http to https?


3 Replies

  • Why do not you shares the same IP for VIPs with different ports? You will make SSL offload?
  • We currently share the same ip. We have a virtual server on port 80 that has an iRule to redirect to https and another virtual server on port 443 that the iRule redirects to.


    I just thought there may be a way to do the redirection without having to create the http virtual server?


    We do want SSL to offload.


    • cjunior's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous
      Excuse my curiosity, but why use an iRule to redirect? If is it only to control the redirects, I would make a VIP on port 443 with SSL offload (to analyze data if necessary) and another VIP on port 80 with SSL on the server side to deliver the traffic on a same pool that will listen https on 443. But in some iApp templates I've seen redirects from http to https.