Forum Discussion

swo0sh_gt_13163's avatar
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Nov 19, 2013

Role based access of specific Unix like commands?

Hello Folks,


Is there a way in BIG-IP where we can configure a user with specific command privileges rather than allowing all? For eg. the user should be able to execute "cat" command in order to view bigip configuration from CLI, that user should not have access to TMSH to modify anything in BIG-IP configuration.


I know its the limitation of OS and not BIGIP, however I was wondering if there is any work around to achieve this.


Cheers! Darshan


6 Replies

  • There's also Resource Administrator role which have access to advanced shell. Others roles can only run tmsh commands, so they can't run bash whatever the way they try.


  • Suppose we assign user role and TMSH access, does it mean user would be able to run "!/bin/bash" command and then run the "cat" command? Would this be a read only access?


    I believe an administrative user would be the only type that can access Bash from within TMSH. All other roles with TMSH access would get the limited set of TMSH "wrapped" Bash commands.


  • The ironic thing about this is that you could technically either create a non-admin user with rights to access the Linux shell, but no rights to access specific command line utilities, or mess with SELinux to restrict specific commands, except that the BIG-IP management plane wouldn't allow anyone less than an administrator to have Linux shell access. The better option, as Steve has stated, is to assign user roles and TMSH access. F5 has gone to great lengths to "wrap" useful shell commands into TMSH so that they can be used safely.


  • If you ensure you only allocate tmsh access and the most appropriate user role based on your requirements, perhaps this will suffice? There's no way to restrict accesss down to the command level really.


  • Hey,


    Thanks for the reply. How can I achieve this requirement using User Role? If I am not wrong, I can only allocate Advance Shell or TMSH access to users, rather than command based control.


    Kindly correct me if this is not right.


    Cheers! Darshan