Forum Discussion

smp_86112's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Apr 01, 2010

SSL transaction (TPS) rate limit reached

LTM v9.3.1. I need to figure out the source address which is suddenly causing us to hit our SSL license limit. We have hundreds of virtuals, so isolation is not a trivial matter. I can't seem to find the info I'm looking for in bigtop, tmstat. b conn might help, but I think I need to know which virtual is being hit for that command to be effective. And I don't know which virtual is being hit.

11 Replies

  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    That's correct. SSL stats are only by profile. However typically you create a new SSL profile for each VS anyway because it includes the certificate in it. (The exception being if you have a wildcard cert, or if you have multiple SSL offloads per FQDN).



    However even if you do share SSLProfiles across multiple VS's you can (I guess it may be some work in some cases) split them and create dedicated profiles.


