Forum Discussion

Approxee's avatar
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Mar 31, 2014

Unlicenced F5 BipIP

Hi Forum,


I want to get some BipIPs for the 303 exams, so I can do some home study. They are quite expensive on ebay, and I have noticed a few with no licence that are a lot less. I have checked they are they 1600 with a hardware serial number and look OK. The problem is the disks have been formatted and the licence is missing.


I wanted to know if I could get the licence back, but just quoting the hardware serial number to F5, as it must have been sold with a licence at some point.


If not how can I get a cheap licence, for this. I dont mind if it is restricted as it is only for my home lab.


Any ideas how I can turn an unlicenced 1600 BigIP F5, into a working model.


Graham Mattingley


2 Replies

  • Jerry_Lees_4280's avatar
    Historic F5 Account



    Kevin is absolutely right. For the money your best bet is the Lab VE license. The VE Lab license WILL help prepare you for those exams, along with a lot of studying.


    The serial number isn't likely to help you get a license from support since you won't be on the support contract and there is no guarantee that the Device is under support contract. (Which almost certainly wouldn't be transferable as far as I know.)