Getting Started with pyControl v2: Installing on Ubuntu Desktop

It's true--pyControl v2 is officially out the door!  Here are the installation instructions for Ubuntu Desktop.


1. Python 2.4/2.5/2.6  (Use 32-bit version)

2. Python Setup Tools for your python version

3. Python SUDS soap library

4. pyControl version 2

Ubuntu 9.x Desktop Installation

1. Python 2.6.4 ships with Ubuntu, so no need to install.

2. Install remaining packages (assuming setuptools, suds, & pycontrol packages are in /var/tmp/):
    cd /var/tmp/
    tar xvfz setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz
    cd setuptools-0.6c11
    sudo python install

    cd /var/tmp/
    tar xvfz python-suds-0.3.8.tar.gz
    cd python-suds-0.3.8
    sudo python install

    tar xvfz pycontrol-2.0a.tar.gz
    cd trunk
    sudo python install

3. Verify Install
    >>> import suds
    >>> import pycontrol.pycontrol as pc
    >>> suds.__version__
    >>> suds.__build__
    '(beta) R618-20091204'
    >>> pc.__version__
    >>> pc.__build__


Alternately, you can simply extract from the bundle and place it somewhere on your path.


Installation Video:

Published Dec 14, 2009
Version 1.0

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  • I went through these instructions using python 2.6.4 and the inital call to the bigip just hangs. I see 443 is open and can reach the server on this port. Any ideas? thank you.



    [root@server /data/scripts] python


    Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Jan 19 2010, 14:01:31)


    [GCC 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-3)] on linux2


    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.


    >>> import suds


    >>> import pycontrol.pycontrol as pc


    >>> suds.__version__




    >>> pc.__version__




    >>> pc.__build__




    >>> b = pyControl.BIGIP(hostname = 'bl2aqubigip01', username = 'atlaseng', password = 'Ftp21ssh22',fromurl = True, wsdls = ['System.SystemInfo'])


    Traceback (most recent call last):


    File "", line 1, in


    NameError: name 'pyControl' is not defined


    >>> b = pc.BIGIP(hostname = 'bigip1', username = 'admin', password = 'somepassword',fromurl = True, wsdls = ['System.SystemInfo'])



    And it hangs at this point.
  • you imported pycontrol.pycontrol as pc so you should reference that when calling classes from it.. for example



    b = pc.BIGIP(hostname== 'bl2aqubigip01', username = 'atlaseng', password = 'Ftp21ssh22',fromurl = True, wsdls = ['System.SystemInfo'])