Forum Discussion

jquinones82_469's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 21, 2012

Infoblox and GTM

Our company replaced all of our BIND Servers with Infoblox servers as primary. The Bind servers still act as slaves.


I wanted to delegate a subzone from my domain. I called it and made the NS records point to the GTM Self ips in Infoblox for the delegation. On the GTM, I make the wip and in Infoblox make a CNAME under the original domain.


For ex,


under IN CNAME


For whatever reason, when i query Infoblox for the right an address under, I get no response.


All my slave BIND servers work fine. I have DNS ACL's for all private networks in,


Is there anything else that needs to be done with Infoblox and GTM to work?


Just curious if anyone has had any experience with these two working together. Again, I can get GTM to work with BIND with no issues.


1 Reply

  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    When you say you get no response... Is that using dig? Or nslookup? Or something else?



    Does the Infoblox respond for any other records? Is the delegation working correctly? Does the test tool get the CNAME record and then fail to find the domain of the record returned in the CNAME data? Or does it never get any packets back in response form the infoblox at all?



    have you performed a tcpdump at the DNS client to verify what packets are flowing?



    Sorry... The detail is a bit too low to make a proper diagnostic.


