Forum Discussion

norouz_167230's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 20, 2015

AAM DiskCache

Hello All,


I'm using RAM Cache feature in LTM but because of it's limited cache size I tried to get the AAM license and use it's dynamic disk caching beside other AAM features. Now that I tried to increase the cache size to more than 40GB I get same error for RAM cache limitation and I can't go beyond 1GB like before. Is the configuration of cache-size is same in Web_Acceleration profile or I have to configure it in other way?


Thank you,


1 Reply

  • RAM cache is the same with or without AAM. Not totally sure, but limited to 50% of free RAM.


    AAM allows you to use disk cache as well. Hot content (object requested a lot of time and often) are pushed to the RAM and the rest stay in the disk.


    You can use X-WA-info header in order to check where does the content come from (RAM or disk).