Forum Discussion

6 Replies

  • There is one use case I'm thinking of that would require the group to be only the first CN value: SAML multi-value attribute (unfortunately not working properly yet due to the fact that APM won't split the group list in multiple value fields). In such case one wouldn't probably like to send the DN but only the first CN field value.


    An option to retrieve the groups in such format or an additional variable in such format would be appreciated :-)




  • AD returns the group information with the full DN and that is stored in the session variable. If you just want the CN for the group you will need to strip off the parts of the strings you don't want.


    What is the purpose of just wanting the group name returned instead of the full DN?




  • I'm not sure how I can strip the unwanted part, do you have a hint ?


    I need to fill out the Roles claim in a adfs - f5 configuration and it seem that Sharepoint is using it in the cn format Thanks




  • Will you just send one group in the claim? Do you need all groups returned by AD to be stripped down and sent in a certain format?


    The memberOf attribute is a multi-value field. You can have an iRule event that will grab the session variable, do the string manipulation you need, then set a new session variable that you can use later. You could also possibly do an ad query and have branch rules per group (if you are doing a one to one mapping) and then do a variable assign to a custom variable that you use later.




  • I though that I could find a var like that would retrieve the group names.


    I don't know if I will be able to use all group in a multi-value variable or if I will need to split to different variables. I need to test it with sharepoint


    Thanks for your reply




  • Hi,

    you can retrieve CN value of memberof attribute with a variable assign:


    if { [info exists "groups"] }{unset groups;};
    foreach value [mcget {}] {
    regexp {CN=([^,]+)} $value CNFull CNValue;
    lappend groups $CNValue;
    unset CNFull;
    unset CNValue;
    return $groups


    This tcl code will split groups, search the first CN in each group and create a new multivalued variable.

    With a group named CN=My Group Name, CN=Users, OU=IT, DC=company, DC=local

    • variable CNFull contains the group name as CN=My group Name
    • variable CNValue contains the group name as My group Name