Forum Discussion

Tony_Hobson_189's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 12, 2016

Using F5 with STS ws-federation

Hi all


I have a couple systems behind an F5 that I'm looking at using Single Sign On. I'm unsure exactly what I need to get this working.


One system can use Forms Authentication or Claims (ws-federation). The other system can use Forms or Basic Authentication. I believe it is able to make this Claims aware - not sure what work would be involved?


The F5 is running v12.0 so I believe this now supports ws-federation - is this correct?


To support SAML / STS through the F5 how should the F5 be configured? Is the limited APM module enough? Is the F5 the STS server in this scearneo?




1 Reply

  • For the easiest solution, basically, you are going to need ADFS.


    APM does not support WS-Fed or SAML 1.1, and STS doesn't support SAML 2.0 out of the box.


    I wrote a solution using the STS and Component Space SAML libraries, which was pretty simple, but if you aren't interested in going that route, ADFS is your best bet.