Forum Discussion

wixxyl_98682's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 01, 2016

HA disconnecting when verifying config?



We've seen an issue in 3 separate instances where we've tried to verify our config via command line and the HA gets completely disconnected. This hasn't started happening until we upgraded to 11.6.1, so is this a bug in the new code? Has anyone else seen this behavior, or are we just special in that regard? We've got a case open with F5, but nothing has been really revealed other than, oh yeah, it can break when you use the verify command. We were given a SOL to review, and it does have a workaround, but how is this fundamental piece that's worked for forever now broken? Has anybody on code 12.0 seen this error? Here's a link to the SOL in case anybody needs it:


2 Replies

  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    The "applies to" box doesn't reference 11.6.1, the latest is 11.6.0. Have F5 confirmed it's still a bug/issue in 11.6.1? Need to press them on this.


    I've not seen this before though. Sorry.


  • We're going to get them to add it onto the list for sure if that turns out to be the case. The tech informed us we were hitting this bug, but until I see it on the list, I'm going to assume that's a "yep, that's the problem, closing ticket" answer.