Forum Discussion

hels5625's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 20, 2016

LTM single interface same subnet F5 DFGW Can't RDP to server

We have LTM with a single interface connected to the same core switch our servers connect to. similar to one arm but doesn't fully fit the description. We switched the default gateway of one of the servers to be the F5. The default GW was previously pointing to our CSS and everything is working fine in the same physical setup. We can get out from the server to the Internet and RDP to other servers, but inbound RDP to the server is not working. We setup a forwarding VS with just this server. We also setup the outbound wildcard vs that seems to be working for the outbound traffic. Once the F5 has the forwarding vs setup how does he tell the Core switch that he is going to handle that traffic inbound to the server?


1 Reply

  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    If you had an explicit Standard Virtual Server the virtual address would GARP out and inform the switch. With a forwarding Virtual server you would need a static route on the core switch i believe.