Forum Discussion

beaglest_137681's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
May 14, 2015

PPPoE in F5

We want to run PPPoE on our F5. We activate dynamic routing protocols for the active route domain and imish becomes available. However, there are some limited command set in this mode. When we want to enable ZebOs, we could not because current ZebOS binary has very limited subcommands (zebos -check, etc. there is no zebos enable command, for instance). I see a command reference document ( ) which includes service pppoe commands. What I encountered is because of any license problem or these features are disabled for recent BigIP versions? (currently we use 11.6.0 HF4).




2 Replies

  • Eric, thx for the answer. We currently have a trial license and when I look at the license section, I see that we have Routing Bundle in active module and Routing BGP, Routing Bundle, Routing OSPF, Routing RIP in the optional modules part. When I check the status of advanced routing modules in CLI, I see that bgp, ospf, etc is running. Do i still need an additional license or I miss sth? Thanks.